The Pro Footballers Yoga Teacher
When working with footballers, I attune and design my yoga sequences to players personal needs working on specific problems. I also work in a group setting for the team as a whole as it adds some important key strengths as a core activity, whilst also working on specific requirements.
Lee Canterbury Evans assisting the West Bromwich Albion players with his Yoga routines.
““My objective is to make sure the players are feeling fit and able. I support them through my knowledge and techniques so they are in top form and to their optimum level.””
Helping to reduce the risk of injury, through over use of the muscles and restricted joint movement. Whilst keeping the players more supple and mobile, extending their playing careers in the process.
We use Yoga as a preventative tool, to maintain the body in its prime condition and to ensure recent injury worries don’t make an unwelcome return.
I teach a couple of classes per week for the team. The first to amend any areas of the body requiring attention, after the weekends game. Working through a flow, aiding to improve flexibility, mobility and movement throughout.
The second class is more akin to a ‘Yin’ Yoga practice. Staying in postures for up to 3 minutes enables the stretch to go further and work through the muscles and in to the connective tissues. Working the joints, fascia, ligaments and tendons.
Making sure the players are feeling fit and able and on top form, going into the following weekends game.